伍伟文 中国未来研究会家庭教育促进分会智库专家

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摘要: 伍伟文老师——中国未来研究会家庭教育促进分会智库专家★英国BAMT注册音乐治疗师 Registered Music Therapist (BAMT, UK)★英国HCPC注册音乐治疗师 Registered Music Therapist (HCPC, UK)★美国AMI注册音乐心灵导 ...

伍伟文 老师


★  英国BAMT注册音乐治疗师 Registered Music Therapist (BAMT, UK)

★  英国HCPC注册音乐治疗师 Registered Music Therapist (HCPC, UK)

★  美国AMI注册音乐心灵导航治疗师 Registered GIM Therapist (FAMI, US)

★  专业音乐治疗中心(首席音乐治疗师及总监)

★  香港中文大学音乐系(兼任助理教授)

★  香港演艺学院音乐学院(兼任讲师)



伍伟文博士──是首位(2004)在英国深造回香港的注册音乐治疗师(Registered Music Therapist: BAMT & HCPC, UK),亦是华人地区首位(2009)注册音乐心灵导航治疗师(Registered GIM Therapist: AMI, US)也是全中国唯一一位音乐心灵导航培训导师(Registered GIM Primary Trainer),从事音乐治疗工作已达二十年。

伍氏早年毕业于香港演艺学院,主修中国音乐,其后获音乐(一级荣誉)学士学位(Kingston, UK)、心理学(荣誉)学士学位(C&GCHE, UK)、音乐治疗学研究文凭(Roehampton, UK)、音乐心灵导航研究文凭(优异)(Melbourne, AU)、音乐心理学文学硕士学位(Sheffield, UK)、音乐治疗文学硕士学位(优良)(Anglia Ruskin, UK)及哲学博士学位(Melbourne, AU)。伍博士曾为香港音乐治疗协会主席,现为香港演艺学院兼任讲师及香港中文大学音乐系之兼任助理教授。伍博士于 2007 年在香港成立了专业音乐治疗中心,为该中心的首席音乐治疗师及总监。


学历 Education

2012-2018(Complete in March 2018):墨尔本大学音乐治疗哲学博士 PhD in Music Therapy (Melbourne, AU)

2008-2010:英国安格利亚罗斯金大学音乐治疗文学硕士(优良) MA in Music Therapy (Merit)(Anglia Ruskin, UK)

2006-2008:澳洲墨尔本大学音乐心灵导航研究文凭(优异) Graduate Diploma in GIM (Distinction) (Melbourne, AU)

2006-2006澳洲意像与音乐协会证书 Certificate in Guided Imagery and Music (MIAA, AU) 

2002-2004:英国罗汉普敦大学音乐治疗研究文凭 PG Dip in Music Therapy (Roehampton, UK)

2001-2002:英国雪菲尔大学音乐心理学文学硕士 MA in Psychology of Music (Sheffield, UK)

 1996-1998:英国京士顿大学音乐(一级荣誉)学士 BMus (1st Class Hons) (Kingston, UK)

1995-1998:英国卓函学院心理学及专业研究(荣誉)理学士 BSc (Hons) in Psychology and Professional Studies (C&GCHE, UK) 

1990-1991:香港演艺学院演艺专业文凭(音乐) Professional Diploma in Performing Arts (Music) (HKAPA, HK)

1986-1990:香港演艺学院演艺深造文凭(音乐)(优异) Advanced Diploma in Performing Arts (Music) (Distinction) (HKAPA, HK)





 奖项 Awards

1999:杰出终身学习者(香港明爱)Lifelong Learner AwardsCaritas Hong Kong

1999:表扬状(香港教育署)Recommendation CertificateHK Education Department

2000:表扬状(香港教育署)Recommendation CertificateHK Education Department


大学教学经验 Teaching Experience (in Universities)

(From 2006 to Present) 香港中文大学音乐系兼任助理教授 Adjunct Assistant Professor (Department of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK) Music Therapy Selective Modules for BA in Music Students

(From 2013 to 2014) 香港浸会大学音乐系兼任讲师 Part-time Lecturer (Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University , HK) Music Therapy Selective Module for BA in Music Students

(From 2006 to Present) 香港大学专业进修学院兼任讲师 Adjunct Lecturer (School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong, HK) Foundation Certificate in Music Therapy, a 60-hour Programme

(From 2008 to Present) 香港大学专业进修学院音乐治疗深造文凭课程督导导师 Music Therapy Clinical Supervisor (School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong, HK) Postgraduate Diploma in Music Therapy

(From 2005 to Present) 香港演艺学院音乐学院兼任讲师 Part-time Lecturer (School of Music, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, HK) Music Therapy Selective Modules for BMus Students

(From 2005 to 2011) 香港演艺学院演艺进修学院兼任讲师 Part-time Lecturer (Extension and Continuing Education for Life, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, HK) Musical Therapeutic Activities Course

(From 2007 to Present) 英国京士顿大学音乐学士课程荣誉讲师 Honorary Lecturer (Department of Music, Kingston University, UK) Music Therapy Selective Module for BMus Students

(From 2006 to 2008) 澳洲昆士兰大学音乐治疗硕士课程督导导师 Music Therapy Clinical Supervisor (The University of Queensland, AU) Supervising Master of Music Therapy Student

(2008) 澳洲悉尼科技大学音乐治疗硕士课程督导导师 Music Therapy Clinical Supervisor (University of Technology, Sydney, AU) Supervising Master of Music Therapy Student

(2008) 香港教育学院教育荣誉学士(特殊需要)课程客席讲师Guest Speaker (Bachelor of Education, Honours, Special Needs Programme, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, HK)

(2006) 中央音乐学院音乐治疗系客席讲师 Guest Lecturer (Department of Music Therapy, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China, CN)

(2008) 国立台南艺术大学应用音乐系音乐治疗组客席讲师 Guest Lecturer (Division of Music Therapy, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan, TW)

专题演讲 Presentations on Special Topic

2018:音乐心灵导航会议(南韩.音乐及意像协会):主题「中国阴阳理论及五套中国音乐心灵导航音乐程序的研究」。2018 Annual Conference (Korean Association for Music and Imagery, South Korean): Presentation Topic A Research Project of Chinese Yin-Yang Concept and Five Chinese GIM Music Programs. 

2018:香港音乐治疗研讨会(香港.香港音乐治疗协会):主题「五套中国音乐心灵导航音乐程序的研究」。2018 Hong Kong Music Therapy Conference (Hong Kong Music Therapy Association, Hong Kong): Presentation Topic A Research Project of Five Chinese GIM Music Programs. 

2018:中国音乐治疗师行业委员会学术年会(北京.中国音乐治疗师行业委员会):主题「音乐治疗对中风长者的认知与肌能之改善」。2018 Chinese Professional Music Therapist Association Conference (Chinese Professional Music Therapist Association, Beijing, China): Presentation Topic Music Therapy for Elderly with Stroke for Enhancing Cognitive and Motor Abilities.

2017:音乐共悦节(香港.东华三院群芳启智学校):工作坊主题「音乐与意象」。 Making Music Being Well (TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School, Hong Kong): Workshop Presentation Topic Music and Imagery. (结连 Link)

2017:第十五届世界音乐治疗会议(日本.筑波):主题「五套中国音乐心灵导航音乐程序的研究」。Speaker at The World Congress of Music Therapy 2017 (WCMT 2017)  (Tsukuba, Japan): ' A Research Project of Five Chinese GIM Music Programs '. (结连 Link)

2017:美国音乐及意像协会第二十四届会议(加拿大.蒙特利尔):海报展示主题「透过现场中乐演奏及中国音乐程序推广音乐意象」。AMI 24rd Conference (Montreal, Canada): Poster Presentation Topic on 'Promoting Music and Imagery (MI) through Live Chinese Music and Chinese GIM Programs'. (结连 Link)

2016:音乐共悦节(香港.香港大学专业进修学院):演讲主题「心理动力学派音乐治疗中的即兴与象征意义」。Making Music Being Well (HKU SPACE, Hong Kong): Paper Presentation Topic Improvisation and Symbolic Play in Psychodynamic Music Therapy. (结连 Link) 

2016:第4届国际音乐与医学协会国际会议(中国北京):主题「音乐治疗与轻度认知缺损长者--迈向脑退化症前的早期介入」。The 4th International Conference of the International Association for Music and Medicine (Beijing, China): Paper Presentation Topic on 'Music Therapy for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Early Intervention Before Progressing Toward Dementia'. (结连 Link) 

2016:新闻发布会及成果分享会(香港.香港城市大学):分享主题「整合正向心理学与音乐治疗元素──正向大使计划」。Press Conference and Sharing Presentation (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong): Presentation Topic Integrative Positive Psychology and Elements of Music Therapy for Treating Adolescents with Suicidal Ideation. (结连 Link) 

2015:英国剑桥安格利亚罗斯金大学学术会议(廿一世纪音乐治疗 与脑退化症的护理):主题「音乐治疗与轻度认知缺损长者──迈向脑退化症前的早期介入」。Anglia Ruskin University Conference (Music Therapy and Dementia Care in the 21st Century) (Cambridge, UK): Paper Presentation Topic on 'Music Therapy for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Early Intervention Before Progressing Toward Dementia'. (结连 Link) 

2015:美国音乐及意像协会第二十三届会议(美国新泽西):主题「五套中国音乐心灵导航程式的研究」。AMI 23rd Conference (New Jersey, USA): Paper Presentation Topic on 'A Research Project of Five Chinese GIM Music Programs'. (结连 Link)

2014:第十四届世界音乐治疗会议(奥地利,多瑙河畔克雷姆斯):主题「中国音乐及阴阳哲学于音乐心灵导航中的融合」。Speaker at The World Congress of Music Therapy 2014 (WCMT 2014)  (Krems an der Donau, Austria): 'Integration of Chinese Music and Yin-Yang Principle in Guided Imagery and Music'. (结连 Link)

2014:第十四届世界音乐治疗会议(奥地利,多瑙河畔克雷姆斯):海报展示「梁祝小提琴协奏曲治疗感情创伤的成效」。Poster Presentation at Music and Imagery Association Australia (WCMT) The World Congress of Music Therapy 2014 (WCMT 2014)  (Krems an der Donau, Austria): 'A Tragic Chinese Music as a Remedy for the wound of Love'. (结连 Link)

2014:澳洲音乐与意像协会第五届会议:工作坊主题「体验新中国音乐程序『太虚』」。The 5th Conference (Host: Music And Imagery Association of Australia Inc.): Experiencing the New 'Universe' Chinese Music Program. (结连 Link)

2013:(专题主讲)澳洲音乐及意像协会周年大会(澳洲墨尔本):主题「中国音乐及音乐哲学于音乐心灵导航中的应用」。Speaker at Music and Imagery Association Australia (MIAA) Annual Meeting (Melbourne, Australia): 'The Application of Chinese Music and Chinese Philosophy in GIM'. (结连 Link)

2013:美国音乐及意像协会第二十二届会议(加拿大温哥华):主题「在音乐程序中探讨中国音乐及其应用」。Keynote Speaker at AMI 22th Conference (Vancouver, Canada): 'Exploring Chinese Music and Its Application in a GIM Music Programme '. (结连 Link)

2012:英国剑桥安格利亚罗斯金大学学术会议:主题「浪声鼓与创意艺术在主流学校之结合与应用」。Anglia Ruskin University Conference (Cambridge, UK): Workshop Presentation Topic on 'The Integration of Ocean Drum and Creative Arts in Music Therapy in Mainstream School Setting'. (结连 Link)

2012:香港教育学院宗教教育与心灵教育中心主办:讲座主题「音乐治疗──成为个人成长与灵性培育的新方法」。Host: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education: A Talk on 'Music Therapy - A New Method for Personal Development and Spirituality Nurture'. (结连 Link)

2012:欧洲音乐心灵导航协会第十届会议(瑞典):主题「第二中国 音乐心灵导航音乐程序『泉』之探究」。ENGIM 10th Conference (Sweden): 'The Exploration of the Second Chinese GIM Music Programme "Springs"'. (连结 Link)

2012:北京启蕊康复中心:首届音乐治疗工作坊──即兴音乐治疗技巧于临床上的应用。Beijing Qirui Rehabilitation Center: The First Music Therapy Workshop The Application of Improvisational Music Therapy Skills for Clinical Purpose. (连结 Link) 

2011:美国音乐及意像协会第二十一届会议:主题「第二中国音乐心灵导航音乐程序『泉』之探究」。AMI 21th Conference: 'The Exploration of the Second Chinese GIM Music Programme "Springs"'. (连结 Link) 

2011:北京金羽翼第一届残障儿童艺术康复研讨会:讲题「音乐全方 位──在特殊学校中全面应用音乐治疗的元素」。Beijing Golden Wings The First Seminar of Arts Rehabilitation for Disable Children (Host: Golden Wings Fund): 'The Use of Music Therapy Elements in the School Curriculum'. (连结 Link)

2011:第十三届世界音乐治疗会议(由世界音乐治疗联盟主办、于南韩首尔举行)──主题「音乐程序『收获』:中国音乐于音乐心灵导航中的探究」。13th World Congress of Music Therapy (Host: World Federation of Music Therapy, Location: Seoul, South Korea): The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme Harvest”’. (连结 Link)

2010:第九届欧洲音乐心灵导航会议(音乐,意像与心理治疗):讲题「音乐程序『收获』:中国音乐于音乐心灵导航中的探究」。The 9th European GIM Conference: Music, Imagery and Psychotherapy (Host: Instituto Musica, Arte y Proceso): ' The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme "Harvest"'. (连结 Link)

2010:第九届欧洲音乐心灵导航会议(音乐,意像与心理治疗):海报展示「梁祝小提琴协奏曲治疗感情创伤的成效」。The 9th European GIM Conference: Music, Imagery and Psychotherapy (Host: Instituto Musica, Arte y Proceso): 'A Tragic Chinese Music as a Remedy for the Wound of Love'. (连结 Link)

2010:香港风湿病基金会及香港复康会主办风湿病患者研讨会「探讨风湿、多面睇」:主题「音乐治疗与痛症纾缓」。Host: The Hong Kong Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation and the Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation: 'Music Therapy and Pain Alleviation'. (连结 Link)

2010:心光恩望学校主办:主题「如何应用音乐元素协助学生学习」。Host: Ebenezer New Hope School: 'The Use of Musical Elements for Enhancing Children's Learning'. (连结 Link) 

2010:英国Anglia Ruskin University音乐治疗会议(音乐治疗中的音乐):讲题「音乐程序『收获』:中国音乐于音乐心灵导航中的探究」。The Music Therapy Conference: The Music of Music Therapy (Host: Anglia Ruskin University): The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme Harvest”’.  (连结 Link)  

2009:澳洲音乐与意像协会第四届会议:主题「音乐程序『收获』:中国音乐于音乐心灵导航中的探究」。The 4th Conference (Host: Music And Imagery Association of Australia Inc.): The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme Harvest”’. (连结 Link)

2009:玩味中乐--2009年小区文化大使(康乐及文化事务署主办):主题「中乐与治疗」。A Taste of Chinese Music2009 Community Cultural Ambassador (Host: The Leisure and Cultural Services Department) 'Chinese Music and Therapy' (连结 Link) 

2008:第十二届世界音乐治疗会议(由世界音乐治疗联盟主办、于阿根廷举行)──主题「音乐治疗帮助资优儿童提升个人质素与社交关系」。12th World Congress of Music Therapy (Host: World Federation of Music Therapy, Location: Argentina): Music Therapy with Gifted Children for Enhancing Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Quality of Life. (连结 Link)  

2008:艺展心窗(香港小童群益会主办):主题「音乐心灵导航对失恋人士的正面启示」。Open the Heart in Arts (Host: The Boys and Girls Clubs Association of Hong Kong): The Positive Meaning of Guided Imagery and Music for People with Failure of Love. 

定期文章发表  Regular Articles in Magazines

《健康创富》月刊 Health Plus Magazine (May 2005 - August 2007)

《健康动力》月刊 Health Action (October 2007 - May 2011)


著作 Book Chapters

Ng, W. M. (2015). Chinese Music Programme 'Harvest'. In Grocke, Denise and Moe, Torben (Eds.) Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) and Music Imagery Methods for Individual and Group Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Ng, W. M. (2019). Chinese GIM Music Programs. In Grocke, D. (Eds.) Guided Imagery and Music: The Bonny Method and Beyond. Dallas, TX: Barcelona Publishers.


学术论文及研究项目 Academic Writings: Dissertation & Research Project 

20122018: The Application of Chinese Yin-Yang Concept and Chinese Music in Guided Imagery and Music (The University of Melbourne: PhD Thesis) 

2014: The Effects of a Cognitive Intervention Programme with Music Therapy Elements (CIPMT) for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study (Hong Kong Sheung Kung Hui Tseung Kwan O Aged Care Complex - Research Project) 

2010: The Integration of Music Therapy with Creative Arts for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders (Anglia Ruskin University: MA in Music Therapy - Dissertation)

2008: The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme 'Harvest' (The University of Melbourne: Grad Dip in GIM - Major Project) 

2002: Music and Self-esteem: The Influences of Social Value of Musical Instruments on Musicians' Self-esteem and a Comparison of Self-esteem between Chinese and Western Musical Instrument Players in Hong Kong (The University of Sheffield: MA in Psychology of Music - Dissertation) 

1998: The Influence of Performance Anxiety on Quality of Performance between Different Performance Situations in Yong Amateur Musicians (Kingston University: BMus - Dissertation)

1998: Teaching Cantonese Lyric Writing in Primary School (Kingston University: BMus - Pedagogy Project)







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